Well, I thought (knew) it would happen. And now it has. Church has officially attacked IVF via the preacher men at the Southern Baptist Convention. (How long ’til government follows suit?) The measure states: “Couples who experience the searing pain of infertility can turn to God, look to Scripture for numerous examples of infertility, and know that their lament is heard by the Lord, who offers compassion and grace to those deeply afflicted by such realities.”

Look to scripture.

The Old Testament discusses infertility (in terms of barrenness) far more often than the New. And as I recall, a couple times, it involves handmaids – which maybe wasn’t quite the way the intended children were to be supplied, but the Lord works in mysterious ways, isn’t that the saying? And the sons of those handmaids were blessed many times over in the bible.

Barrenness is explored in the New Testament, too. In this one instance (unless I’ve missed more), an angel appears, and promises the man a son. Always, a son. This time, John the Baptist.

So, the Baptists these days will say that children are granted if you desire them enough, pray for them enough, rely on your dreams and your prophets and your handmaids enough, maybe then, you’ll conceive.

But here’s my question: when the desire is there, but it wanes (like in fizzles and flops) then what?

Will these preacher men at the SBC also “look to scripture” when they and the men of the fold suffer erectile disfunction? Will Viagra likewise be opposed?

But then, there’s no male version of infertility in scripture. No male version of a handmaid for women to bed either. So surely Viagra’s fair game. It’s an answer to prayers, after all.

I mean, whatever it takes if you’re a man.